Alex Langshur

Alex Langshur

New York
25 years
Hi, I'm Alex. I'm an avid tinkerer and learner. My purpose in life is to build cool shit and potentially make the world a better place while doing so.


TransposeCEO @ Transpose

2021 - Present
Transpose is a startup that I co-founded in 2021. We built the first truly standardized blockchain indexing service, which transformed the way developers interact with blockchain data.
ChainalysisAcquired by Chainalysis
Transpose was acquired by Chainalysis in May 2023, where we've since focused on serving the largest companies and governments in the world.

Deep Grey ResearchHead of Product @ DGR

2019 - 2021
Deep Grey Research is small AI lab that develops algorithmic trading strategies for fixed income markets. At DGR, I researched trading strategies and built our internal trading platform.

2017 - 2020
I studied Computer Science at Stanford, where I focused on AI and deep learning. I met amazing people, built stupid ideas, and learned a whole lot.